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There are times you must write what crossed the mind

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I have been away for quite some time. This blogger is not so dedicated to blogging eh? So sorry to followers or visitors although there seems to be none at present. The fact is writing needs a lot of commitment to be successful, of which this person do not care so much.
Anyway if no readers out there say anything I do not have to worry. Nobody cries or shouts so no worry on my part.
maybe I ll be back some time from now with something more interesting. At the moment I can only wonder what is going on in the constituency of Pasir Panjang in Pulau Pinang where the ruling government lost to the opposition in a by election held there on 25th August 2009, only two days ago. Prior to the by-election the constituency was abuzz with activities and campaigning. I wonder what is going on now.

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