Salam. Apa khabar. Hi!

Sekali sekali perlu menulis perkara yang terlintas di minda
There are times you must write what crossed the mind

Friday, August 3, 2012

15 days of Ramadhan.

Its now mid Ramadhan, the holy month for Muslims, when we abstain from food and drinks and other worldly pleasures during daytime. Its also a month of extra hard commitments towards Allah, many Muslims willingly give alms and perform deeds within this month whence pious believers are fully occupied in their faith to Allah.
My other half shed off 5 kilograms during the first half of this Ramadhan, maybe the second half will be kinder to her and take her closer to or below the ideal BMI. Muslims are a lucky lot if they adhere to teachings by  Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Al Quran. On a more universal scale all religions teach their followers to make life a worthwhile journey but humans are such that being good is sometimes not good enough and some get thrills doing bad.

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